【同义词辨析】 2020-03-06 欺诈deception-trickery

deception: may or may not imply blameworthiness, since it may be used of cheating or swindling as well as of arts or games designed merely to mystify: magicians are masters of ~.     deceive欺骗的目的是让人"把假的东西当真",cheat欺骗欺瞒作弊的目的是让人"不知道"to cheat implies using deceit or trickery to intentionally escape observation,因此deceive是更基本的词   game游戏  art艺术技艺

fraud: always implies guilt and often criminality in act or practice: indicted for ~.

double-dealing: suggests duplicity or treachery or action contrary to one's professed attitude: the guerillas accused the go-between of ~. duplicitous伪装两面派的,来自词根dup/di表示two,等于本例的double,如duplicity duplicate duplex,如dichotomy一分为二   treachery表示不忠诚,随时可能背叛,如treacherous ally不忠的盟友     (profess宣称妄称信奉=to claim or express,如professor教授,如he professed to be content with the arrangement他对这个安排表示满意,如she still professes her innocence她仍然声称自己无辜,如I don't profess to be an expert in this subject我不敢自诩为这方面的专家,如to profess Christianity/Islam/Judaism信奉基督教/伊斯兰教/犹太教)

subterfuge: suggests deception by the adoption of a stratagem or the telling of a lie in order to escape responsibility or duty or to gain an end: obtained the papers by ~.   stratagem计谋计策implies a ruse used to entrap, outwit, surprise and circumvent an opponent or enemy,如a series of stratagems that convinced both sides that he was their agent通过一系列计谋使双方都相信他是他们的代理人,如price discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty价格折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争手段(计谋))   to gain an end固定搭配

trickery: implies ingenious or dishonest acts intended to dupe or cheat: will resort to any ~ to gain her ends.   dupe指利用对方不谨慎来欺骗,即暗指受骗的人不谨慎

deception欺骗: 既可指欺诈隐瞒,也可指制造神秘感,未必有过错,fraud诈骗: 一定有过错,常表示有罪,double-dealing奸诈两面派: 表示两面派不忠诚言行相悖,subterfuge诡计: 通过计谋欺骗来逃避责任或谋取利益,trickery欺骗伎俩: 表示狡猾的欺瞒(ingenious本意聪明)

记忆方法: 1)首字母DFDST联想成太发达的事<=欺诈  防不胜防   ""从马扁声,本义"跃而上马"。表示用言语或诡计使人上当口舌好像要"跃而上马"一样。如骗局骗术骗子        ""从欠其声,""表示和出气说话有关,本义是"欺骗",如欺瞒欺诈欺君欺世自欺欺人;另外,还引申为"压制不公正地对待",如欺压欺负欺辱欺凌   "诈"从言乍声,说明也和言论有关,本义"欺骗",如"无功伐而求荣富,也",如"相如度秦王特以佯为予赵城,实不可得";还引申为"假装冒充",如自称公子,如云欲降

     2)欺诈的意思是故意欺骗mean the acts or practices of or the means used by one who deliberately deceives.